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Trusted Fan Page

How to create a Facebook Fan Page and tailor it for your niche?

Discover an unconventional method to boost conversions

A Fan Page, also known simply as FP, is a page that promotes products, services, media personalities, and generally acts as a hub to attract additional traffic, leading to more potential customers.

Among traffic arbitrators, there's a misconception that Fan Pages have little impact and are an ineffective tool in promoting products and services. This is far from the truth. In 2023, traffic arbitrage isn't just about sourcing and analyzing different traffic streams or optimizing lead costs. In 2023, it's largely about volume — those who scale up reap more profit.

In this case study, we'll discuss how to create a Fan Page that not only gains users' trust but also Facebook's algorithmic trust. Spoiler alert: a Fan Page with existing followers that was set up some time ago can boost conversion rates by 15%. But let's dive deeper step by step.

How to create a trustworthy Fan Page for Facebook's algorithms?

Before diving into the practical steps, note that for Facebook's algorithms to trust a Fan Page, it should have been set up more than a week ago, be filled with content, have a profile picture, posts, and importantly — followers. The more, the better. There are various ways to gain these followers — either by simulating active page engagement or by other less ethical means. We will focus on the former.

  1. Day 1: Create a Fan Page for a medical clinic. Name it something like “Dr. Mendez”, “Cortez Clinic” or “Health Information” — let your creativity run wild.

  2. Choose a page type. You can opt for any category — news, blog, sports, but crucially, not medicine.

  3. Fill in the contact information, even if fictional (phone, email). Set the geolocation to your desired region.

  4. For the profile picture, use a doctor's photo or a red cross symbol. The cover photo can be of a medical room or the clinic's exterior.

  5. Once the page is set up, make two posts on the wall. Use relevant images, like doctors, clinics, elderly people, organs, and write content matching your offer, e.g., “Reasons for diabetes” or “Effects of prostatitis”. Don't forget to attach your offer link to each post. Let the account "rest" for a day. This downtime is important for Facebook's algorithms.

  6. After a day, make two more posts following the same pattern, but pin your offer at the very top. The content should include testimonials or doctor recommendations regarding the promoted product.

  7. Next, you can launch an ad campaign on Facebook for 1-3 days. Set the cost at $1 for likes and subscriptions, and boost the geolocation where you want the engagement. This way, you'll attract followers and "warm up" Facebook's algorithms to trust your page.

  8. If you're hesitant to spend on ads, here's an unconventional approach: create a female FB account with a photo of an attractive lady (keeping it decent). Join dating groups targeting foreigners, especially from India, Mexico, or Arab countries. Post about wanting to meet someone and move to a beautiful country. In two hours, you might receive up to 500 friend requests. Accept them gradually over two days, around 50-100 requests each day. Then, guide these new friends to your Fan Page, and voila! You'll likely have between 5 to 20 new followers.

After these steps, let your page rest for 2-3 days before making your move. A Fan Page set up as per our guide will likely last longer, pass Facebook moderation more swiftly due to its trustworthiness, and appeal not just to the algorithms but also to your target audience. When users see a clinic name or a doctor's name, they're more likely to click on the Fan Page than on an ad.

In our case study, this approach led users to the Fan Page first, and from there to our offer page. We garnered 100 clicks directly from the Fan Page and an additional 20 leads as a bonus.

Don't neglect working on Fan Pages. Enhancing their trustworthiness with both Facebook's algorithms and your target audience can significantly boost your chances of successful campaigns.

*Recognized as an extremist organization in the Russian Federation